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Project Overview

Artisan Product MockUp


Artisan is an app that brings accessibility to Ecuador's handcrafted products by connecting local designers with buyers. No longer will buyers have to embark on exhaustive searches or travel to discover these unique creations.

Project Overview

Project Time:

10 week project

Project Purpose:

Promote the accessibility of artisanal products in the Ecuadorian market and streamline the discovery process for new designs entering the market.


The Problem

What was happening?

Consumers previously traveled far and searched extensively on social media to find local handcrafted products. Discovering new items was difficult due to infrequent fairs and limited opportunities.

Problem Space

Ecuador's high entrepreneurship rate of 29.6% faces a low 3% startup survival rate. Necessity-driven businesses and competition from international online products hinder local industries and artisans, challenging consumer attraction.

Goals & Objectives

Project Objectives

To promote increased purchases of local products, I aim to enhance consumer information and optimize the search and acquisition process.


Local consumers in Ecuador lack awareness of the country's diverse range of high-quality artisanal products.

To validate the hypothesis, I will conduct interviews and analyze individuals' pain points. It will support the hypothesis if these pain points directly relate to limited exposure and difficulties in purchasing artisanal products.


Customers desire easier access to artisanal products through a centralized platform like a social media page or physical location. The initial target users are gift buyers, while the main value users seek is a single platform showcasing diverse artisanal products from Ecuador. Additionally, users can discover attractive and cost-effective furniture and home products not found elsewhere.


The project deliverables include a solution for the problem, a fully functional mobile app task flow, a marketing website, and an additional platform for app usage.

Target Audience

Based on research, younger generations show a strong preference for locally crafted products. Therefore, my target demographic consists of financially capable Ecuadorians aged 25-40.


Experience Map


Task Flow



Market Research

Currently, there is a lack of dedicated platforms for selling artisanal products. Artisans resort to utilizing Facebook Marketplace or Instagram accounts for promoting and selling their crafts.

User Research


Main Inspiration

Gaining insight into how other companies effectively present their products in an engaging manner, and instilling a sense of confidence in users regarding their quality and physical appearance, is of utmost importance.


Information Architecture

While developing the solution, my primary emphasis was on establishing a well-structured information architecture for the app. The aim was to ensure that users could effortlessly navigate and engage with it, resulting in a smooth and user-friendly experience. Specifically, I dedicated my attention to optimizing the task flows, allowing users to easily acquire their desired products through various pathways.


- Technological Infrastructure
- Language & Localization
- Payment Methods
- Trust & Security
- Logistic Challenges
- Artisan Engagement
- Cultural Sensitivity



I iterated through five wireframe versions and conducted four rounds of user testing. Leveraging my previous work, I crafted wireframes aimed at providing users with desired services. The product's goal was to assist users in discovering artisanal products, learn about the creators behind them, explore local events featuring these products, and access information on physical stores for in-person visits.

User Testing

UX research revealed that younger generations in Ecuador exhibit a strong preference for locally crafted products. While there is significant admiration for handcrafted items, many individuals express dissatisfaction with the effort required to acquire and discover them.

Through user testing, I successfully pinpointed elements and designs that did not fulfill their intended purposes. This process highlighted areas where users experienced confusion and lacked intuitive guidance on their next steps.

The Solution

The app provides users with a comprehensive product list and the ability to filter their search based on province, materials, product type, and the option to view only new products.
Users can access comprehensive product details, instilling confidence in the quality and visual appeal of the product.
Upon viewing the detailed product page, users have access to the product review section prior to making a purchase. They can review warranty and return policies, as well as select from available color variations or other product types, and specify the desired quantity
View the full prototype

Other Devices

Based on research findings, which indicated that desktop devices are commonly used for online purchases, I opted to design my app specifically for desktop users.

Learning Outcomes & Next Steps

Key Learnings

Simple and concise information architecture enhances user understanding and navigation. Following the UX process helps designers address strong assumptions and deliver focused creative solutions.

Next Steps

Design the rest of the functions and flows of the app. Continue to improve UI design fixing color use and spacing between different elements. Go through more rounds of user testing. Take it to the developers to begin building the product.