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Project Overview


Nankii was an online platform designed to provide security and confidence for users booking adventure tours by verifying tour guides and offering secure payments with a refund guarantee. As the lead designer, I handled the UX/UI design and rebranded the startup to enhance its identity.

Project Overview

Project Time:

10 month project

Project Purpose:

Nankii was an innovative online platform designed to provide security and confidence to users booking adventure tours. Its primary goal was to ensure that both tour guides and users had a trustworthy and seamless experience in order to promote and generate more tourism in the country.


The Problem

What was happening?

Finding independent tour guides was challenging, as the market was dominated by large tour companies. This lack of accessibility made it difficult to ensure the formality and quality of smaller independent companies with the services they offered. Often, travelers had to rely on spot bookings, leading to unpredictable experiences with no way to discern good tour guides from bad ones beforehand. This uncertainty created a lottery-like situation for tourists, affecting their overall experience.

Problem Space

In Ecuador and other parts of Latin America, finding independent tour guides is a significant challenge due to the dominance of large tour companies. This makes it difficult for travelers to access smaller businesses that offer formal and reliable tour services. As a result, many tourists end up booking guides on the spot, leading to unpredictable experiences with no prior knowledge of the guide's quality. This situation creates uncertainty and a lack of trust in the booking process, impacting the overall travel experience.

Goals & Objectives

Project Objectives

The project aimed to create a platform that ensured safety and confidence for both guides and tourists. The primary objectives were to:

1. Provide a reliable and accessible platform for independent tour guides to offer their services.

2. Ensure tourists felt confident that the tours they booked would meet their quality expectations.

3. Establish trust through verified guides and secure payment methods.

4. Offer a user-friendly experience that facilitated easy discovery and booking of adventure tours.


If we create a platform that verifies independent tour guides and offers secure payment options, then tourists will feel more confident in booking adventure tours, leading to increased satisfaction and trust in the service. This will also provide tour guides with a reliable platform to reach a wider audience, ensuring a consistent and formalized booking experience.


1. Tourists lacked a dedicated platform specifically for searching and booking adventure tours.

2. People were generally mistrustful of hiring guides online due to concerns about authenticity and quality.

3. Tourists primarily relied on recommendations from their social circles when hiring tour guides.


The project delivered a fully designed platform that catered to both tour guides and clients. It provided a user-friendly interface for guides to publish and manage their tours effortlessly, while offering an intuitive booking system for clients to seamlessly search for and book various adventure tours. The platform ensured smooth navigation, allowing users to easily switch between publishing an adventure as a guide and exploring different tours as a client.

Target Audience

The primary target audience for the project includes:

1. Independent Tour Guides: Individuals or small groups offering adventure tours who seek a reliable platform to reach potential clients and manage their bookings.

2. Adventure Tourists: Travelers looking for unique and personalized adventure experiences who value security, reliability, and quality in their bookings.

3. Outdoor Enthusiasts: People interested in exploring nature and engaging in outdoor activities who prefer booking tours with verified guides.

4. Travel Planners: Individuals or groups planning trips that include adventure activities, who want a trustworthy source to book and organize their tours.


Experience Map


Task Flow



Market Research

I found a significant gap in the market for platforms dedicated to showcasing short-duration tour guide services, particularly in Latin America, as existing platforms primarily focus on longer tours and full-trip planning.

User Research


Main Inspiration

Inspired by how other platforms showcase services from various providers, I aim to enhance Nankii’s visual appeal, making it easier for users to understand and book their adventures.

Information Architecture

Due to the platform's nature, designing the user flow architecture was complex. It required careful consideration and design to ensure intuitive navigation across the platform. This complexity arose from the need to accommodate two distinct user types: general users, who would book adventures, and service providers, who would need to switch their profiles to provider mode and then have the ability to publish their adventures.


Budget Limitations: Limited funds for platform development, marketing, and design enhancements.
Time Constraints: Tight deadlines for launching the platform and delivering features on schedule.
Technical Limitations: Challenges in integrating diverse service providers and ensuring seamless booking functionality.
User Experience: Balancing simplicity with functionality to create an intuitive and user-friendly interface.
Scalability: Designing a platform that can scale with the increasing number of users and service providers.
Content Management: Ensuring consistent and high-quality content from various service providers.
Security Concerns: Protecting user data and ensuring secure transactions on the platform.
Compliance Requirements: Adhering to local regulations and industry standards for online services.
Cross-Platform Compatibility: Making sure the platform works seamlessly on both web and mobile devices.
Market Competition: Differentiating Nankii from competitors while meeting market expectations.
Stakeholder Alignment: Managing differing visions and priorities from stakeholders involved in the project.



Starting with sketches, I selected key elements and designed the main homepage wireframe. This page serves as the entry point, guiding users seamlessly through the platform, aligned with the user flow and architecture.

User Testing

In my UX research for Nankii, I discovered that service providers are frustrated by the industry's informalities and the lack of a centralized platform for clients to find and compare their offerings. Clients often rely on personal recommendations and social media to discover adventure services, highlighting a clear need for a more formalized solution. This gap presents a strong opportunity for Nankii to connect clients with service providers more effectively.

User testing was primarily focused on the questionnaire designed for service providers to complete when publishing their adventures. Mainly the date selection for the adventure. This part required significant iteration, as it initially seemed straightforward but proved challenging to simplify and make easy to navigate.

The Solution

The platform offers users an immersive home screen, allowing them to directly search for the adventures they want or scroll down to explore featured examples. Users can either browse the suggested adventures or click on one that catches their eye, leading to a page where they can filter results based on their specific needs.
Users can access a detailed and clear tour screen for the adventure they're interested in booking, giving them a thorough understanding of what they're signing up for. Additionally, they can view reviews from others who have used the service to ensure its quality and reliability. Users can also access the guide's profile to review other adventures they have to offer, apart from the one currently being accessed.
A key decision was determining whether users should access the service provider platform through a separate link or have a button within the main platform to switch their profile from a client to a provider. User testing revealed that switching to another link was not intuitive. Therefore, I designed a button within the user's profile to allow seamless switching between renting services and posting guided tours. Additionally, we implemented a review process for all posted adventures to prevent scams and ensure quality before they go live on the main page.
The service provider screen, designed to allow providers to input all necessary information for publishing an adventure, was one of the most complex to develop. It needed to accommodate a variety of scheduling options, such as offering a single guided tour or multiple recurring tours at specific times of the month, among other configurations.
View the full prototype

Learning Outcomes & Next Steps

Key Learnings

Throughout the project, I learned that maintaining constant communication between software engineers and stakeholders is crucial for aligning expectations and clarifying what is feasible. Additionally, it's essential to back up design elements with prior research to ensure everyone understands the reasoning behind design decisions. When encountering challenges, revisiting and brainstorming as a team proved invaluable, and user testing emerged as a critical step to validate whether the design is as intuitive as intended.

Next Steps

Moving forward, I plan to continue iterating on the platform to enhance its functionality. This includes refining the color palette to improve the overall design and introducing better interactions to elevate the user experience. Finally, the goal is to launch the platform and begin using it, ensuring it serves both clients and service providers effectively.